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Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL

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Effective Communication of Emotions Ӭand Personality Using Visual Objects on Social Media Posts.

October 28, 2018 |

In Puppetry theatres, the characters are usually controlled by a puppeteer, who typically transfers  the movement of their wrists, hands and indeed their whole body through the fingers and then to the string or rod that controls a movement … Read More

(Un)Balance_ Context 1 _ Movement and Emotion

April 7, 2018 |

I am currently exploring a series of virtual and/or physical experiences aiming at altering the balance of the body. I see these as choreographic tools, pushing the participants to explore new movements and emotions. I started those investigations together with Amanda … Read More

Inside Out

February 9, 2016 |

Title image:Transient from Pablo Gnecco

The main method of non-verbal interaction between individuals and the environment is re-channeling, namely the ability of collecting the data from the subject and turn it into the signal that can be demonstrated by the medium … Read More