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Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL

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Effective Communication of Emotions Ӭand Personality Using Visual Objects on Social Media Posts.

October 28, 2018 |

In Puppetry theatres, the characters are usually controlled by a puppeteer, who typically transfers  the movement of their wrists, hands and indeed their whole body through the fingers and then to the string or rod that controls a movement … Read More

@heyhexx – work in progress show

July 2, 2018 |

 @heyhexx is an interactive social media responsive robot puppet theatre installation. This installation acts as an intermediary tool between the digital and physical world, and aims to make the abstract concept of emotions, in the context of social media interaction, … Read More

Social Pressure Responsive Robot: Prototype 1

February 12, 2018 |

In the future, we want to connect an installation we create to the outside world, and in order to achieve this, getting data from outside sources will likely become important to the process.

To begin learning how to … Read More