Initial prototype review
By organising the initial portfolio, we re-examined our prototype and reviewed the process we had approved. Our current project concept /aim can be summarised as follows :
The collective behaviour by pneumatic balloons are a kind of elementary cellular automata, simulating the recognition toward the changing environment. The device’s sensitivity to changes in the outside world can also be used as an extension of the human experience, creating different rules for different signals.
However, the model we have completed so far can only detect the interaction signal and react to it, rather than form the inner system as cellular automata.
Thus the responsive chaos outcome can be expected because of the collective result of following aspect:
Thus our future workflow could be :
1.Selecting the most significant social performance on different occasions.
2.How to capture the behaviour. (What kind of sensor?)
3.The inner rules setting for the output’s(balloon) movement. (the interaction between balloons to simulate swarm in nature)
4.What kind of form to applying the CA system for inner interactive between individual agency.
5.What kind of frame should be used to present the movement, for instance lattice system. The form will determine the physical factors and story telling.
A few case studies :
Bubbles is an adaptable spatial pneumatic installation at an urban scale. The open-air interactive installation consists of 16 eight-foot diameter volumes or “bubbles” that inflate and deflate in reaction to the changing occupancy of their surrounding space. Visitors encounter and adaptive volumetric sense of architecture rather than a static surface. When a visitor bumps or pushes a bubble, it deflates, providing a pathway into the installation. More activity opens up the space, making it more navigable. When no visitors are present, the system returns to a state of equilibrium in which the bubbles fill the space entirely. The huge rip-stop nylon airbags hang in pairs connected by clear ducting. When touched, sensors initiate an exchange of air between the spheres. From the onset, the intent was to make a fully immersive architectural environment which could spatially respond to the changing social conditions. How the bubbles interact with humans over the course of time is impossible to predict.
‘Vertical volume’, an amassed arrangement of hovering white objects which buoyantly float up-and-down. the air bag-like pouches are made from thin sheets of plastic, while a simple fan sits beneath, allowing them to easily sway around the room. bouncing from floor to ceiling, and spinning in space each floating tube beckons viewers to interact with it — walking through and touching the material — integrating a participatory and interactive element to the installation.
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