New beginnings, senses, faces, and filters.
After presenting our project Hegemony of Vision at the project fair, we decided to split as a group and work in pairs to build on our ideas in differing directions. As a pair we will be focusing less on a final product or outcome we wanted to put more importance in the actual generating of knowledge through the process of making. In this our main themes are sensory perception, the construction of identity, and the relationship between the virtual and actual, the real and the possible. We want to more explicitly explore the idea of mapping, trying to work with a rhizome in mind rather than a hierarchal linear way of producing the project.

See Yourself Sensing is a publication by Madeline Schwartzman¹ and the name of her ongoing explorations on Instagram. In her videos she explores design, the body, technology, materiality, and sensory interventions.

In the work Senseless, Laura Thompson² creates costumes that completely cover the body out of disposable materials. Based on various mythologies and costumes associated with them she created a yeti like creature, caught between the mythical and the modern, neither human nor animal

Two weeks ago, we started experimenting with fakebook’s AR platform “Spark”. We developed a few different sketches for interactive facefilters. Out of an interest in their performative qualities and their mdoes of distribution. Currently we have one filter online which is called FaceDrum, and another in review. During the upcoming months we set out to create a filter every two weeks, to push ourselves to explore, create, adapt, and publish. Giving us an outside perspective on what we’re doing, by seeing an audience interact with these little digital costumes.
What is really exciting to see is how once created, these filters take on a life of their own. With little to no control from you as their author. It is incredible to see it pop up, all over the world, and find people interacting with the work in ways you might not even have considered while making it.
[1] Schwartzman, M., 2011. See Yourself Sensing. Black Dog Publishing.
[2] Thompson, L., 2020. Senseless. [online] LAURA THOMPSON. Available at: <> [Accessed 16 May 2020].
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