Olfactory experience, human connections and co-operative interface
For this week, I would like to continue the cocktail machine project which I had started it from the first week (http://two.wordpress.test/cocktail-machine.html). I would like this machine to be more immersive and gives new experiences as well as bring social connections between participants. I’ve been looking at the olfactory experience as the smell is one of the most important aspects to enhance a taste of cocktails.

(Fig2. Scent Drops at Grand Museum of Perfume in Paris by Harvey & John)

From the first week that I had done a simple prototype of a collaborative cocktails machine which aims to see how it can encourage collaboration and social connections between participants. However, from the first experiment, I do feel like there are a lot of things missing and there are a lot of issues that need to be figured out. so I stepped back and gives myself a bit more clear picture what collaboration is in this context and in what ways that we can encourage human connections.
To do so, I looked into Werksatz by Franz Erhard Walther, It is a set of incomplete installations that never truly complete until participants interact with it. Werksatz consists of fabric objects with openings, fastenings or straps that participants could wear and use it together to active incomplete works to be complete. In this work, Walther was interested in exploring the relationships between objects and multi-users or the interrelation of bodies, materials and shared space between bodies.
In fig 6, It is the friendship machine by CocaCola. They designed 3.5-metre tall structure that requires two people to help each other to get two coke bottles for the price of one promo. These projects make me think about the interface that requires two or more people interact with it together. Let’s call it ‘co-operative interface’. To elaborate, two buttons need to be triggered by two people at the same time in order to control something. If just one button is triggered, the system will not work.
(Fig 6. The Friendship Machine by CocaCola)
Cocktail machine
I see possibilities to integrate the idea of having participants to be a part of the system to complete the installation, together with providing them with a co-operative interface where the discussion between participants arises to make a decision collaboratively.
For the next step, I have following questions that will be a starting point and guideline for me to go for a further design.
// How can co-operative mixology experiences encourage human connections and group immersive experiences?
// How do people get involved in the cocktails machine?
// How do people collaborate or work together?
// How do we assess human connections?
// How do they know that they have control or be a part of the system?
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