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Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL

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Troika – Cloud

  • On January 26, 2008


This seems to have spread all over the design and architecture blogs. Cloud by Troika is a beautiful object and really superb piece of engineering, especially with its mix of high tech digital control and nostalgic low tech actuation.

There’s a nice video here from youtube and Chris O’Shea has some details on pixelsumo blog which includes some behind the scenes images of the custom software used on the project.


my thanks to Eva Rucki of Troika for the tip


  1. Fantastic! And when black… even scary…

  2. Jacques Moisan

    Love the connection with sounds

  3. very beautiful and like a poem….

  4. There is a piece in the SF international airport that produces a similar effect. Instead of computer controlled it is simply wind powered. The Troika – Cloud seems to be more direct in it’s intent however. I like that, and think this is a great piece.


  5. John Smith

    For some reason this thing makes my stomach turn. It looks like a venomous reptile. I’d hate to see this in a public place – really off-putting.

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