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Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL

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BIX, Kunsthaus, Graz, Austria


The Bix Website

In 2003 Peter Cook (co-founder of Archigram) and Colin Fourner (Professor of the Bartlett School of Architecture) used a low-res application of programmable skin technology called BIX to bring to life the Kunsthaus in Graz, Austria , a venue for multi-disciplinary exhibitions. The skin wrapped around the entire body of the building displaying constantly changing images designed by artist and curators. ‘BIX enables the institution to present a transparency of information and content and to further develop methods for dynamic communication between buildings and their surroundings, between internal content and outside perception.’ The structure of the walls no longer separates the inside from the outside but instead becomes a mediator to the public.


‘The skins and surface envelope of buildings become programmable surfaces, photo sensitive membranes that narrate, design and inform the spatial organization of the volumes and interpret their functions.’



  1. Inato

    in other words this is a good example to the new world of hypersurfaces – a new concept.

  2. Hypersurfaces are by no means a new concept Stephen Perrellas books Hypersurface Architecture framed these ideas of media surfaces some time ago

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