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Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL

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Achim Wollscheid

  • On July 21, 2006

I encountered the work of Achim Wollscheid through the excellent We-Make-Money-Not-Art when Regine recently posted his recent Inlet/Outlet installation exhibited at Sonambiente in Berlin. 

It is a simple project where the movement of inhabitants in a room on the 1st Floor of the Polish Embassy causes the opening and closing of the Windows. Below is a synopsis of Achim’s recent interactive work. 



Wallfield is a house completely covered by a grid of uniform windows, which Achim says “redefines what usually creates an in- and out-side: the wall.” As a consequence he decided to open the wall to sound, as well. 3 units consisting both of mikes and speakers are installed at 3 walls of the house. Outside sounds can be recorded and replayed in the inside and vice versa. Loudness and (a computer directed) degree of sound-transformation can be adjusted – ranging from "original" to "abstract". 


redlighthaze  & intersite

2 façade installations that use arrays of LEDs, which change lightness or pattern according to real-time sound analyses of local sound conditions.


flexible response

The sounds in the inside (lobby) trigger the light movement on the windows. Thus,  during office hours, the glass facade translates and projects fragments of the social choreography. At night the interactive part is replaced by a self generating light composition. Yes It does look a little bit like Blinkenlights BUT this was done first! 



interflow monitors the movements of the bypassers and conceives, correlatively, a changing reflection of both movement and context. Interflow consists of 2 elevated steel frame-systems, containing 16 double faced high-grade steel-mirrors. Universal joint bearing facilitates a 360 degree turning of each mirror which is generated by 2 motors contained in the steel frame-system. The center of each steel-frame contains a digital camera. 

The steel frame-systems are directed toward 2 pathways leading to the hospital. The cameras monitor the bypassers' movements and send the respective data to a computer, which according to that movement, defines angle and torque for each of the mirrors' new positions.

See more work at Achim's website

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