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Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL

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About John Russell Beaumont

2014 Marshall Scholar, Architectural Designer

John Russell Beaumont

In 2013, John Russell Beaumont completed a double major in Architecture and Plan II Honors at the University of Texas at Austin with highest honors. During his studies he developed a passion for post-disaster, post-conflict, and social justice architecture, and spent 12 months living in South America researching the 2010 Chilean earthquake reconstruction. In 2014 he was awarded a British Marshall Scholarship, which funds two masters degrees at any UK universities. In 2015 he completed a MSc in International Development with a focus on Reconstruction, with distinction. He presented his dissertation on the role of Beauty and Dignity in the experience of Poverty at the International Conference for Sustainable Development in NYC. He is currently a candidate for a MArch in Architectural Design at the Bartlett, UCL. In addition to his interests in international development policy and design, he enjoys collaborating on interdisciplinary projects. Past projects include graphic design for Exceptions Journal for the Visually Impaired and co-founding the Popup Book Bar. He is currently working a project for interdisciplinary science news.

Projects By John Russell Beaumont

Posts By John Russell Beaumont

Making The Palimpsest

September 28, 2016 |

In the spring of 2016, we learned that our studio space and large portions of its neighborhood would be demolished for the construction of the High Speed Rail 2 (HS2) project. After hearing about the controversy surrounding the community engagement practices … Read More

The Palimpsest: Changing cities with virtual reality

August 19, 2016 |

High Speed 2 (HS2) will be the UK’s second high-speed rail line if it is built. In the first phase of construction, the line would connect London to Birmingham. In later phases, it would extend to Leeds, Manchester, and possibly … Read More

Democratizing the production of architecture

February 19, 2016 |

Architecture is a pervasive presence in our lives. In fact, buildings are so ubiquitous that the general terms for position in English, ‘inside’ and ‘outside’, place us in constant reference to which side of architecture we are located (Zizek 2010), … Read More

Architectures of Firmness and Softness

November 5, 2015 |

Before discussing soft architecture, it is worthwhile to understand how architecture can be hard. Hardness immediately evokes the physical building materials which comprise the majority of the built environment. Buildings are made to withstand the elements–a quality Vitruvius called ‘firmness’1–and … Read More