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Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL

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About Tung



Tung is interested in the the Growing Design movement and looks to explore this through her project, Vital Morphons. Some sources of inspiration include: Next Nature, Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg, and Living Architecture Systems Group.

Projects By Tung

Posts By Tung

Delving Into Our Theses as Design Tools

June 3, 2020 |


One day of middle May in my thesis tutorial, I tried to illustrate my understanding of ‘intelligent behaviours’ with a diagram which was downloaded online featured by a brain controlling hands, eyes and neural system to grab a glass … Read More

One Project, Two Theses, and Many Ideas

May 20, 2020 |

As we jump into Term 3 during Covid-19, our brains are whirring with a dizzying amount of questions and ideas. Having now settled into this new pace of life, the next hurdle has been trying to figure out how to … Read More

Sentient Tangle – An Introduction

April 28, 2020 | | 2 Comments

Three months ago when we started Sentient Tangle, none of us would have expected to be where we are right now – both as a project, and as a community. What started out as a mechanism study of Reuben Margolin’s … Read More