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Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL

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Open Call for Participants – Brazil Workshops

Open Call for Participants – Brazil Workshops
  • On April 11, 2016

Bartlett Brazil Workshops: Robotics and Interaction Design for Architects - Open Call for Participants

Rio de Janeiro 27-30 April - Museu do Amanhã in collaboration with UFRJ
Sao Paulo 2-5 May – FABLAB LIVRE & FAUUSP Sao Paulo

Introducing how sensors, code, electronics, lighting and motion can create objects and spaces that sense and respond to peoples occupation and behaviour. The workshop is led by the Interactive Architecture Lab, a Masters programme at the Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London.


Workshop Agendas

Advances in artificial intelligence, robotic manufacturing, driverless cars, drones, and endless other forms of mobile and embedded robotics are poised to enter and cohabit our built environment. As these technologies become part of the architectural design tool kit, our typical aesthetic considerations of space, form, and surface, expand to encompass concerns of behaviour. Increasingly active, responsive, and kinetic, the material of the built environment is coming to life with an autonomy of its own.

We will introduce a behavioural approach to design, introducing coding, electronics, networks, mechanics, materials, and novel methods of fabrication. Together the 4 day workshops will be an opportunity for architects and the wider public to explore how robotics will change the way we built our homes and cities? And these new responsive architectures, will behave? We hope it will also inspire searching questions about what constitutes a living architecture? And what role architects have in a work increasingly mediated by the sensory and responsive technologies.

About the Interactive Architecture Lab
The Interactive Architecture Lab is a Masters Programme at the Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London. They’re interests focus on the Behaviour and Interaction of Things, Environments and their Inhabitants. Areas of focus include Adaptive Responsive Environments, Kinetic Design and Robotics, Performance and Choreography, Multi-Sensory Interfaces, and the Internet of Things


Workshop 1: Construindo Proto-ecologias

Rio de Janeiro 27-30 April - Museu do Amanhã in collaboration with UFRJ

Avanços na inteligência artificial, fabricação robótica, carros sem motorista, drones e outras formas de robótica móvel e incorporada estão prestes a coabitar nosso ambiente construído. À medida que estas tecnologias tornam-se parte das ferramentas de projetos arquitetônicos, nossas típicas considerações estéticas sobre espaço, forma e superfície, se expandem para abarcar preocupações comportamentais. Cada vez mais ativo, responsivo e cinético, o material do ambiente construído vem ganhando vida e autonomia próprias.

Para oferecer um entendimento mais prático deste novo mundo que, literalmente, começa a se construir, o Laboratório de Atividades do Amanhã em pareceria com o Núcleo de Artes e Novos Organismos (NANO — EBA/UFRJ), o Laboratório de Modelos e Fabricação Digital (LAMO3D — FAU/UFRJ) e a Bartlett School of Architecture (Reino Unido) — através de seu programa de mestrado Laboratório de Arquitetura Interativa — apresentam o workshop “Construindo Proto-ecologias”.

Ao longo de quatro dias de evento (veja abaixo a programação completa), arquitetos, designers, artistas e o público em geral terão a oportunidade de investigar uma abordagem comportamental de projetos, programação, eletrônica, redes, mecânica, materiais e novos métodos de fabricação e ainda discutir questões tais quais: Como a robótica irá mudar a maneira como construímos as nossas casas e cidades? Como será que esta nova arquitetura responsiva se comportará? Como é constituída uma arquitetura viva? Qual o papel dos arquitetos num mundo progressivamente mediado por tecnologias responsivas e sensoriais?

Para participar do workshop, basta preencher o formulário on-line e aguardar confirmação. O evento acontece no longe do Museu do Amanhã, junto à Exposição Principal.

Workshop 2: Designing Interactivity

Sao Paulo 2-5 May – FABLAB LIVRE & FAUUSP Sao Paulo

In collaboration with FAUUSP & FabLabLivre SP, the Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London, are holding a 4 day workshop in Sao Paulo introducing interactive technologies for architects and designers. More details to follow. If you’re interested in taking part Contact Us here.


  1. Danielle

    Qual a programação do workshop em São Paulo?

  2. The Sao Paulo workshop will begin afternoon of 2nd May at FAUUSP, and finish in the morning of the 5th May. The details will be online soon and we will make sure to send them on to you Danielle.

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