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Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL

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Daniel Chadwick – Kinetic Solar Systems

  • On March 3, 2009


Daniel Chadwick‘s principal works are mobiles made up of “Kinetic Solar Systems” that revolve using tiny solar-powered motors to propel perfectly balanced discs.

Video of Solar Powered Mobiles

Daniel Chadwick


  1. Thanks you came back!
    I am fond of your blog since ages and was very disappointed by the recent lack of new post. And now you’re back with news. Thanks alot, I love the pieces of arts you show in here.
    See you,


  2. Thanks so much, I’m really enjoying getting back into it. Please let me know if you have any tips?

  3. Vuono

    I agree with Nootilus. It was a great pleasure a few weeks ago when I got an updatde from your RSS feed. Thanks for the good work, and the good posts.

  4. Stan

    hey Ruari welcome back. I missed your blog as well.
    Ran into this project just now thought you might be interested.

  5. thanks a lot 🙂

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