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Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL

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Polluted Sounds

Polluted Sounds

Polluted Sounds is a spatial project that allows occupants to immerse themselves in a nonlinear data field through sound. Air quality in our urban environments is critical to public health, but often neglected and ignored.

Polluted Sounds is a sonic journey that aims to shed light onto the positive side effects that COVID played in air quality to urban areas. The project aims to communicate the narrative of London’s air quality through an empathic, immersive sonic experience. The translation of the invisible and intangible agents of the environment into a psychophysiological sonic timeline allows the body to navigate this global issue through sound, space and time. Basing the sound design on research in emotional valence, the sonic language created aims to bring the audience to understand changes in air quality through positive and negative arousal. The translation of such a fundamental issue for human and environmental health, challenges common communicative languages by creating a sound bath of unconscious or conscious understanding.

The project asks its occupants if it is possible to understand the health of our environment through our ears?

They say seeing is believing – what is listening then?