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Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL

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Neoteny : mechanism for rapid adaptation

Neoteny : mechanism for rapid adaptation

“The philosophical question is no longer who I really am, but where I presently am.”
Paul Virillo, ‘Polar Inertia’, 1990

I am interested in exploring the body movement and posture towards different environments, how they communicate with each other through bio-sensing and Augmented Reality. Neoteny will serve as a test site to investigate new approaches and possibilities of our body movement in the environment, and also, critically examining the impact on the body over time.

As technology and the human body are converging, we are creating hybrid extensions of ourselves. Whether through physical devices or digital data, this raises questions about how we might begin to install, programme, alter and maintain these intimate parts and what new ecologies of people, devices, and data will start emerging and evolve to sustain these new practices on our body.

By the very change of visual sensation which we register when we move the locality of our body, the notion of depth of space emerges. If we are unable to move, there would be no motor system. We would not be able to perceive the sensation or construct a 3-dimensional space. We all experience this phenomenon. Poincareé presented us with a little philosophical curlyque and said, ” My friends, you need the motion in order to perceive.” 
Heinz von Foerster 1977

Cross motor movement study through biosensing and AR

  • Looking at the relationship of our back movements and muscle movements.
  • Looking at the cross-motor relationship (locomotion and non-locomotion) of our movement by tracking specific vertebrae movement and which muscle groups that are affected.
  • Exploring the possibilities of using AR as a physical computing tool for tracking specific body movement. I performed Vuforia tracking on a human’s back to get the micro cross-motor movement. But what does this data actually mean? How does the data serve as a domain or communication bridge between us and the environment?
  • Exploring the specific muscle groups (deltoids & quadriceps) of our body based on their movement in spaces determining the geometry of the environment.
  • Investigate the possible overlays of scenarios in the environment based on the muscle movement and how our body evolves and adapts to the ever-changing environment.  I imagine this to be an open performance as the demonstration of the concept.


Haptic responses to the user

  • Trying on different haptic responses on the body. Currently working with vibrators.


Material testing

  • Testing on materials that are comfortable on our bodies.


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