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Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL

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“Stereoscopic” Television

A bit of old school technology

Almost 77 years after the first demo of stereo TV in 1928 by John Baird,

sterio tv

there’s evidence of a strong resurgence of interest and research in immersive TV:

“The Japanese Government is quietly throwing huge financial and technical weight into the development of three-dimensional,virtual reality television”,reports the Times.It “has obtained an interim report from the Communications Ministry’s “Universal Communications” study group detailing the work in progress.Three-dimensional images apart,the ministry wants to develop the ability to send thousands of different odours through the new television to enhance the sense of reality.Its plans also call for the “recreation of tactile sensations”,a hitherto elusive concept that would give viewers the ability to reach out and “feel” what they were seeing.Current projects are working on electrical stimulation for the fingers, ultrasound and air pressure”.

From The Times Online

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