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Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL

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About Abel Enklaar

Interdisciplinary Artist

Abel Enklaar

Abel is an interdisciplinary director and researcher, intrigued by the relationships between technologies, their users and environments. This interest is explored in theatrical experiences, performances, publications and installations that bridge multiple disciplines and media. Over the last two years they have presented work at Amsterdam Fringe, Athens Digital Arts Festival, MediaBites Amsterdam, and at the International Symposium for Electronic Arts. Parts of their research have been published by the research group 'Technology Driven Art' (Zuyd Hogeschool) and IETM - International network for contemporary performing arts. Abel is a visiting Lecturer at the ArtEZ University for the Arts, the Netherlands. Where they tutor students on the integration of new media technologies in theatre.

Projects By Abel Enklaar

Posts By Abel Enklaar

Working in Lockdown

June 8, 2020 |


[1]  Campagna, F., 2019. Technic And Magic. London [i pozosta?e]: Bloomsbury Academic.

[2]  Grayson Perry: Rites of Passage, 2018. [TV programme] All 4: Channel 4.

[3]  Le Guin, U.K., 1997. Dancing at the edge of the world : … Read More

New beginnings, senses, faces, and filters.

June 3, 2020 |

After presenting our project Hegemony of Vision at the project fair, we decided to split as a group and work in pairs to build on our ideas in differing directions. As a pair we will be focusing less on a final … Read More

Hegemony of Vision – Work in Progress Report

April 28, 2020 | | 2 Comments

The Hegemony of Vision’ refers to the preference of vision over the other senses in contemporary culture. This mixed-reality installation questions the relationships between our senses, particularly touch, which is frequently excluded from fine art and interactive contexts. Guided in … Read More