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Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL

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Hand from Above

  • On October 13, 2009

Hand from Above from Chris O'Shea on Vimeo.

By far one of the most interesting urban screens project I’ve seen to date, Chris O’Shea‘s describes his public art “Hand From Above” as encouraging “us to question our normal routine when we often find ourselves rushing from one destination to another.”


“Inspired by Land of the Giants and Goliath, we are reminded of mythical stories by mischievously unleashing a giant hand from the BBC Big Screen. Passers by will be playfully transformed. What if humans weren’t on top of the food chain? Unsuspecting pedestrians will be tickled, stretched, flicked or removed entirely in real-time by a giant deity.” Hands from Above was built using openFrameworks & openCV.


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