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Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL

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New Materials

Tangible Music Visualiser

April 23, 2018 |

This above video by Vincent Houze – created for the musical composition of Max Cooper – is one of the most successful examples I have seen visualising music digitally. The organism in the video breathes along the beat and vocal change as if … Read More

Nobel Textiles

September 11, 2008 | | 2 Comments

Five Nobel-winning scientists have been paired with five textile designers as part of a two-year project between Central Saint Martins College and the Medical Research Council, and the result is Nobel Textiles: a brilliant week of exhibitions and events … Read More

Light-Emitting Roof Tiles

October 15, 2007 | | 5 Comments

The roof has historically focused on one primary function: keeping out the elements. New technologies, as present in Light-Emitting Roof Tiles, allow the integration of additional functions within roof surfaces. Manufactured by Lambert Kamps, the transparent roof tiles are … Read More

Wireless Power

November 15, 2006 |

Only a couple of posts ago I showed the novel uses of Electroluminescence in electrical cabling to create awareness of power use but perhaps soon the transfer of energy will become entirely invisible. US researchers have outlined a relatively simple … Read More

Kinesthetic Informatic Interface

October 18, 2006 | | 4 Comments

Super Cilia Skin by  Hayes Raffle, Mitchell Joachim, & James Tichenor is a tactile and visual system consisting of an array of actuators that are anchored to an elastic membrane. These actuators represent information by changing their physical orientation. … Read More


September 8, 2006 | | One Comment

magink display technologies have developed full-colour digital ink technology which manipulates the ink molecules to generate a full-colour spectrum including shades of grey. Images created with this technology can be viewed indoors and outdoors, using the ambient light to enhance the image … Read More

Electric Plaid – International Fashion Machines

August 3, 2006 |

IFM's Electric Plaid is a unique textile display technology and design material. It is used by IFM to create hand woven, sensuous individual artworks, interior design and architectural surfaces. Electric Plaid combines woven electronic circuits, color-change inks … Read More

Utility Fog – John Storrs Hall

July 28, 2006 | | One Comment

Imagine it is the year 2100. The population of the Earth, doubling every 30 years or so, has reached nearly 50 billion souls. The price of a comfortable single-family house on one acre in New Jersey, doubling every 10 years … Read More

Chronos Chromos Concrete

April 15, 2006 | | 2 Comments

Chronos Chromos Concrete is a system that is able to dynamically display patterns, numbers and text in concrete surfaces. Application could include anything from products for the home to large scale architectural installations.

Chris Glaister, Afshin Mehin, and Tomas … Read More


April 6, 2006 |

I'm always looking for flexible materials for my kinetic interactive installations. Heres a LED substitute for neon lights with the added property of being able to change shape. Mule Lighting has developed a product that looks like traditional neon but … Read More

LightPoints – SCHOTT

February 24, 2006 | | 4 Comments

Here's some pretty slick glass/light technology called LightPoints, one of many architectural materials developed by Schott. Not specifically designed to be interactive but with some cleverly placed sensors and DMX control system for LED switching there's potential for some very … Read More

Transmaterial: A Catalog of Materials That Redefine Our Physical Environment

January 30, 2006 |

If your building interactive architecture, its obviously not just about understanding digital technology, you have to have an understanding of all the materials in construction that would lend themselves to interactive spaces. I’ve just got hold of this book … Read More

Smart Materials 1 – Definition

January 20, 2006 | | 5 Comments

Last night I was at the smart materials event at the Dana Center in Londons Science Museum where a number of interesting materials that could be potentially applied to interactive architecture. I personally didn’t find anything that was mindblowingly new … Read More

Ferrofluid Sculptures by Sachiko Kodama

December 27, 2005 | | 37 Comments

Ferrofluid is a very interesting material originally developed by NASA it has now found itself been used for a whole range of devices including dampers for controlling and stabilizing large building that move around in the wind. Whats also amazing … Read More

Elementlabs – Versa TILE and Versa PIXEL

December 9, 2005 |


One of the many interactive hypersurface technology companies on the market.

Below are two of their products the Versa TILE and Versa PIXEL

Versa TILE

Video – I feel a little sorry for the kid.

How does it … Read More


November 9, 2005 |

Nano technology will transform architecture in the not too distant future. Buckypaper owes its name to Buckminsterfullerene, or Carbon 60–a type of carbon molecule whose powerful atomic bonds make it twice as hard as a diamond. And Buckminsterfullerene of course … Read More

bendable concrete

November 1, 2005 |

Okay so concrete is a little dry but flexible architecture isn’t and who knows what the future of flexible concrete could bring to interactive architecture

A new type of fiber-reinforced bendable concrete will be used by University of Michigan … Read More

Sensitive Skin for Robots and Buildings?

October 29, 2005 |

The University of Tokyo researchers have developed a flexible artificial skin that could give robots a humanlike sense of touch. The team manufactured a type of “skin” capable of sensing pressure and another capable of sensing temperature.

And … Read More