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Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL

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Interactive Architecture loses its memory

My web host seems to have destroyed my entire database of blogging and are now being fairly useless at explaining how the hell they ended up destroying the many hours of work I’ve put into this site over the past year. The last backup of the site was made way back in febuary so please expect a bit of a mess online while I gather all the individual posts and republish them. Thank you for your patience.

All of you who Blog out there! BACKUP NOW!!!


  1. javi

    Sorry about that, hope you fix all soon.
    Keep doing such wonderfull work!!

  2. Dude…that totally sucks. Here’s to hoping that, now that you are almost finished with term, that you have some extra time to get things back in order!

  3. daan

    grrrr… I have a pretty good idea how you must feel right now. Still, keep it up!

  4. Really sorry, all this great work. We have been following it with great interest since it appered. Also using it as a continuous reference at the School of Architecture in Sevilla.

    We would like to submit an entry soon, with a competition we won recenlty for a public interactive space in Sevilla.

    Thanks a lot, congratulations and good luck, osfa/

  5. Major bummer. Sorry to hear this. Backup’s are definitely a necessity. Best of luck in restoring your content. This site has been an excellent resource.

  6. Sorry man. Same thing apparently happened to Pruned. Let me know if I can help you remember anything…

  7. stuart alexander

    sorry to hear that. i really enjoy this blog! hope all is back to normal soon 🙂

    keep up the Excellent work


  8. Almost recovered everything but the timing couldn’t been worse. We’re all pretty busy at the Bartlett School of Architecture right now so I’m not finding much time to recover the site. I will be showing off some of the most interesting projects soon.

    I just wanted to say a big thanks to those who have offered their support and condolenses.

    Interactive Architecture will be back, bigger and better very soon!

    Osfa, I look forward to hearing more about your installation

  9. That’s pretty grim. Maybe time to get another web host.

    You might be able to salvage from Google’s cache or the Internet Archive too:

  10. Cheers Andy

    I managed to get everything I need from my RSS feed republished on a few different sites.

    Thanks for the suggestion. The support I’ve had has been really overwhelming.

    Thanks Again

  11. that’s insane! who’s your host? (so i can avoid them)

  12. webmania

    cheap, and as I found out, cheap for a reason

    wouldnt go round giving bad press but since you asked…

    needless to say, i won’t be renewing my contract in a months time

  13. Tafka

    grrr indeed

    Your site’s been a fab resource for my studies so keep up the good work… it’s fab!

  14. Fab

    Dear Andy,
    i’m very sad for your bad experience.
    your work is wonderful, and i appreciate your blog.
    Keep doing your nice work.

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