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Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL

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Robotecture – Michael Fox

April 20, 2006 |

Michael Fox spoke at the Game Set Match Conference a fortnight ago about his approach to teaching Interactive Architecture which he's developed through his time teaching at MIT's Kinetic Design Group, SCI-Arc, Hong Polytechnic University, the Art Center College … Read More

Interfacing Architecture for a Networked Society – Adam Somlai-Fischer – Aether architecture

April 18, 2006 | | One Comment

I’ve enjoyed the work of Adam Somlai-Fischer for some time so it was great to finally see him present his work at the Game Set Match Conference last week. Rather than go into detail on all of his work I’ve … Read More

Liquid Space – Daan Roosegaarde

April 13, 2006 |

Daan Roosegaarde describes his work as fluctuating between sculpture and architecture. Last year he unveiled his 4d pixel project and it appeared widely over the blogosphere. Last week I got the opportunity to find out more about his work when … Read More

Leisurator – Adaptive Leisure Generator Field for Metropolitan Areas

April 10, 2006 |

Leisurator designed by by Nilufer Kozikoglu, Marco Pastore, and Valentina Sabatelli, with the consultancy of Arup & Buro Happold, speculate a future reconfigurable architecture that engenders a variety of leisure, sport and improvisational activities. This event space is programmed … Read More

Self-replicating, Self-sustaining and Adaptive Machines – CCSL

April 7, 2006 |

A potentially new way to build adaptive spaces out of generic robotic forms. Seemingly simple although no doubt devilishly complicated to develop, graceful in their movements and strangely cute considering their sandy brown color. With half a tongue in cheek, … Read More

Could buildings Morph to optimum spatial efficiency

March 28, 2006 |

image from trans_PORTs 2001 Kas Oosterhuis With the ideas going on at Game Set Match II in interactive adaptive architecture an interesting bit of news has come from the MIT .

MIT engineers report they may have found a … Read More

Muscle – HRG and ONL

March 27, 2006 |

One more project from the Hyperbody Research Group . I’ve been in Amsterdam for the weekend and now on my way to Delft for the Game Set Match II conference held by the Hyperbody Research Group and ONL Architects

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PODNET (post-digital architecture network) event

March 25, 2006 |

If you can’t make it to Game Set Match II in Delft there’s two days of a range of presentations coming up in London, including live robot demonstrations, academic papers, videos and art works exploring the many routes by which … Read More

Muscle Tower II – Hyperbody Research Group

March 23, 2006 | | One Comment

In the spirit of my up coming trip to the Game Set Match II conference I thought I’d show a bit of the work that the Hyperbody Research Group have been doing in recent times. I have to admit … Read More


March 22, 2006 | | 4 Comments

Website (german)

Bitfall is an installation where water is being used to project images taken from the internet. A computer observes various news websites and chooses thereafter the images to be displayed. 128 nozzles are controlled by synchronised … Read More

BioWall – Loop.pH

March 15, 2006 |

“ As it becomes increasingly difficult to read the signs of our natural environment in urban, built landscapes we use plants in our work as we consider them to be the most sophisticated of sensors and displays. ”

An … Read More

Feel – Animi Causa

March 8, 2006 |

Okay so this isn't interactive but it is reconfigurable and thats enough for me. Here's the beautifully simple piece of furniture from Animi Causa called Feel. It's a grid of 120 soft balls that can be folded and arranged … Read More

Dynamic Terrain РJanis P̦nisch

March 3, 2006 |

My Personal Interests within Interactive Architecture are surrounding Kinetic interaction and adaptive space so I was pleased when Janis Pönisch got in touch about his project Dynamic Terrain. Janis explains below his intentions for the installation and its relatioship with … Read More

see/saw – Chapman + Utterback

February 21, 2006 |

Documentation Video

see/saw is an interactive installation in which visitors' manipulations of a real see-saw control the fluctuation of power and emotion in the story of an intimate relationship. A pair of words are projected on the walls … Read More

biot(h)ing – Invisibles

February 20, 2006 |

An interactive installation exhibited at the Prague Biennale. ‘Invisibles' by biot(h)ing uses holosonic speakers to create sound patterns projected into an interactive space. These speakers isolate individual cones of sound, creating a counterintuitive experience for the visitors as they … Read More

Pneumatic Parliament

February 17, 2006 | | 2 Comments

More inflatable wonders to behold. Pneumatic Parliament by Peter Sloterdijk and Gesa Mueller von der Hagen , still at conceptual stage, a political piece of inflatable architecture where a lightweight transportable dome could be quickly installed to provide a … Read More

Can you help?

February 2, 2006 | | One Comment

As you may have seen there’s a tutorials page attached to the blog which I’ve had online as long as the blog has been running. I’ve been meaning to build up a tutorials section of links to other websites … Read More

NEVEL – Moving Labyrinth

January 31, 2006 | | 3 Comments

NEVEL is a moving labyrinth (11 X 11 m) consisting of 9 programmable walls able to rotate 360°. Architecture comes alive, walls become doors, spaces open and close, visitors are locked up and set free again.

via Regine at … Read More